











1990/09-1995/07,  延边澳门银河 ,临床医学专业,学士学位

1997/09-2000/06,  澳门银河官网 ,生理学专业,硕士学位

2002/11-2003/03,  日本宫崎医科大学生理学教室,进修

2003/03-2007/03,  日本宫崎大学澳门银河 生理学教研室,神经生理学专业,博士学位


1995/07-2001/12, 延边大学医学生理学教研室,助教

2002/01-2002/11, 澳门银河官网 生理学教研室,讲师

2008/01-2008/12, 澳门银河官网 生理学教研室,讲师

2009/01-至今, 澳门银河官网 生理学教研室,副教授




3. 《机能实验学》本科生课程,专业核心课

4. 《人体健康与疾病》本科生课程,通识教育课

5. 《脑的探秘》本科生课程,专业选修课


1.Yu, NS, Takato Kunitake, Hiroshi Kannan. Central actions of orexin-A on neural activity of hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in conscious, freely moving rats. Auton. Neurosci. 2009, 151(2):190. 

2. Yu, NS,  Chu, CP,  Kunitake, T,  Kato, K,  Nakazato, M,  Kannan, H. Cardiovascular actions of central neuropeptide W in conscious rats. Regulatory Peptides. 2007, 138(2-3):82 – 86.

3. Yu, NS,  Kunitake, T,  Kato, K,  Nakazato, M,  Kannan, H. Effects of introcerebroventricular administration of neuropeptide W30 on neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in conscious rat. Neuroscience Letters. 2007, 415(2):140 -145.                                                

4. Yu, NS, Takato Kunitake, Hiroshi Kannan. Central actions of orexin-A on neural activity of hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in conscious, freely moving rats. J.Auton.Nerv.Syst. 2008, 45:200-206.

5. Kannan, H, Shirasaka, T, Watanabe, S, Yu, NS, Kunitake. T. Central action of orexin-A on the neural activity of hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus neuyon. International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience, Auton. Neurosci. 2007, 135: 122-123.

6. Chu, CP,  Kato, K,  Jin, QH,  Qiu, DL,  Yu, NS,  Oiso, Y. Kannan, H. Enhanced cardiovascular alteration and Fos expression induced by central salt loading in a conscious rat transgenic for the metallothionein-vasopressin fusion gene.  Neuroscience Research. 2005, 53(2):147-155.                         

7. Chu, CP,  Qiu, DL,  Kato, K,  Kunitake, T,  Watanabe, S,  Yu, NS,  Nakazato, M. Kannan, H. Central stresscopin modulates cardiovascular function through the adrenal medulla in conscious rats.  Regulatory Peptides. 2004, 119(1-2): 53 - 59.

8. Qiu, DL,  Shirasaka, T,  Chu, CP,  Watanabe, S,  Yu, NS,  Katoh, T.  Kannan, H. Effect of hypertonic saline on rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus magnocellular neurons in vitro. Neuroscience Letters. 2004, 355(1-2): 117-120.                                                   

9. Kannan H, Shirasaka T, Watanabe S, Yu NS, Kuitake T, Takasaki M. Central action of orexins on sympathetic outflow and cardiovascular function with a focus on the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Masui. 2007, 56(1):30-39.

10. Yu, NS, Watanabe, S, Kunitake, T, Kannan, H. Effects of intracerebroventricular administration of orexin A on neurons in hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in conscious rats. Jpn. J. Physiol. 2007, 57(Suppl.): S237.

11. Yu, NS,  Kunitake, T,  Kato, K,  Nakazato, M,  Kannan, H. Effects of neuropeptide W on single unit activity of paraventricular nucleus neurons in conscious rat. Jpn. J. Physiol. 2006, 56(Suppl.): S205.

12. Yu, NS,  Chu, CP,  Kunitake, T,  Kato, K,  Watanabe, S,  Nakazato, M.  Kannan, H. Cardiovascular actions of central neuropeptide W in conscious rats.  Jpn. J. Physiol. 2004, 54(Suppl.): S198.                                              

13. Yu, NS, Long-Yun Fang, Shi Wang, Qing-Hua Jin. Effects of neuropeptide W and  orexin on single unit activity of paraventricular nucleus neurons in conscious rat. Acta physiologica sinica. 2010, 62: 195-196.                                                   

14. Yan-Hua Bing, Hao Feng, Shi Wang, Nan-Shou Yu, Qing-Hua Jin. Facilitative effect of GABA on regulation of baroreflex in the hypothalamic PVN region in conscious rats. Acta physiologica sinica. 2010, 62: 49.                                                      

15. Shi Wang, De-Xi Pan, Yan-Hua Bing, Nan-Shou Yu, Qing-Hua Jin. Effect of NO on the learning-dependent LTP in hippocampal DG region in conscious rats. Acta physiologica sinica. 2010, 62: 206-207.                                                        

16. 王乌兰,彭晓东,俞男寿,金燕(通讯)。SUMO化在细胞生长中的作用。生命科学(chinese bulletin of sciences),2018,30(3):276-284.

17. 俞男寿。拉莫三嗪与奥卡西平对原发性三叉神经痛患者疼痛和入睡质量的影响。世界睡眠医学杂志(world journal of sleep medicine),2017,4(6):366-368.           

18. 方龙云,金梅花,徐京男,王明明,俞男寿(通讯)。神经肽W 对能量的稳态、应激和疼痛的影响研究进展.延边大学医学学报,2016,39(4):311-313.

19. 方龙云,程林,周鲁林,张倩倩,王明明,俞男寿(通讯)。芝麻素对离体蟾蜍心肌收缩功能的影响及其机制。延边大学医学学报,2014,37(4):266-267.             

20. 方龙云,俞男寿(通讯)。侧脑室微量注射神经肽W30对清醒大鼠下丘脑室旁核区谷氨酸含量的影响。延边大学医学学报,2019,42(4):235-237.                 

21. 俞男寿(通讯)。神经肽W对心血管效应和昼夜节律活动的影响研究进展。延边大学医学学报,2020,43(4):315-317.     


1. 项目名称:下丘脑新型神经肽Orexin在室旁核心血管活动调节中的作用及其机制  项目负责人 经费:4万元,经费来源:国家教育部回国留学项目 


2. 项目名称:新型神经肽NPW在清醒大鼠心血管活动调节中的机制研究  

项目负责人 编号:31060143,经费:27万元,经费来源:国家自然基金项目


3. 项目名称:长白山道地黄芪对老年痴呆模型大鼠的治疗作用及其神经化学机制研究 第二负责人  编号:200905206 ,经费:3万元, 经费来源:吉林省科技厅


4. 项目名称:摇摆诱发腹外侧视前区促眠神经递质含量及脑电图活动的影响  第二负责人  编号:81960189   ,经费:32万元, 经费来源:国家自然基金项目(地区)



1. 日本自律神经学会优秀论文奖,第一作者 2009年12月“Central actions of orexin-A on neural activity of hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in conscious, freely moving rats”

2. 吉林省科技厅三等奖  第四负责人,2010年12月 “清醒大鼠下丘脑室旁核参与心血管活动调节机制研究”